Bettina Weigelin

Certified biologist Bettina Weigelin studied biology at Julius-Maximilians-University in Wurzburg with main focus on medical science in immunobiology and oncology. In 2007, after she finished her studies, she started her dissertation on tumor immunobiology at the Clinic for Dermatology, Venerology, and Allergology at the University of Wurzburg, which she continued at the Radboud University Nijmegen, Netherlands, in 2008. Currently she is working as a scientific assistant at Nijmegen Center for Molecular Life Sciences. Her work concentrates on the understanding of the dynamic of cancer development, tumor metastasis and how the body’s own immune defense system delays the tumor development.  With 3D reconstructed, microscopic multiparameter pictures of cancer and immune cells in living tissue, she is constructing “4D” sequences, which show the complexity of healthy and diseased tissues. Her sequences of killing tumor cells through a body’s own immune cells are very impressive examples of the fascination of living systems and their meaning for tumor therapy. Her work of visualizing cancer and immune functions was published in international professional magazines and introduced on a plurality of national and international conferences.